Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Any goals this year?Ok...this lifetime?
Goals need money....well order to function accordingly.
I mean walking is free,but admission isn't.Lol.
And I can't walk EVERYWHERE.
This year...ahem.. this Lifetime(some goals require  a lifestyle change)
I'd like to be a good steward of the change($) I have.
There is no reason to be quivering and cringing looking at your bank statement.
Let's not miss out on good stuff,chasing temporary things.

Sepora does NOT need my money,every week.
Starbucks will NOT go bankrupt because of my Caramel Brulee.And the Barista will NOT grow lonely the days you DON'T come...if so my drink should be free..:-)

Please STOP saying that the only way to get out of a recession is to spend and put more money into the economy.
Here are a few ways I am trying to curve those spending habits.

Change direction
  • Alot of times the places where we spend most are in close range or near where we work or live.Avoid crossing the street.Use a different Exit when getting off of the train.

  • Now ..if STARBUCKS is your issue (ahem)'ll have to get creative.Just think:
1 drink is 5 bucks...$5.17 (to be Venti) so 5 x 4 or 5days a week is $25.85...a month is over $100!!(stomach turning)..get my drift?

  •  AVOID....window browsing online... filling out your email address to receive weekly newsletters is like window shopping for ice cream standing in front of the freezer in the super Market.No bueno.Be proactive..leave alone..more times than not,YOU already have it in a different color and size..somewhere.
Today is a NEW day...feel free to tap me if you see me with a cup....Now if I'm on day 20 of my detox and you haven't seen me in 19 and I happen to have a cup..Please refrain from lecturing :-).lol DON'T JUDGE ME

So far that's it.Periodically I'll be adding more.One step at a time grasshopper..

1 comment:

  1. Here's a simple one.

    *Take your lunch to work.
