So upon making my trek to the midst of Potato sized snow flakes and 7-11 Slurpee feeling stuff under my Uggs >:-(...I see THIS..
A bus was SMOKING......hmmmm I say to myself as i continue to walk in that direction(New Yorker persistence)...I make my way closer and closer,and then of course realize that makes NO sense!So, I walk around the If it had blown up ,I'm sure the steering wheel could have swiped anyhow...I couldn't see where the fire was from or it was just a mechanical issue....SO "politely" but more like "Get the Hec outta my way"...II hear a voice as I stand at the curb waiting to cross, "'SCUUUUSEE ME"....just like that..SO i pulled my nicely draped H&M scarf back to see ,Shuwacatea (Shoo-WOK- Ah-tee AH)...wanting to get pass.I let her pass, only to stand in the street because there was no room..its a red light!.So now I'm wondering WHY she felt the need to go around me with her big umbrella only to wait in the street for the light to turn green.(mind you she got splashed twice by passing cars..smh)...Some one says "Wow look at that...." she says "Jea I KNOW..that's why I was like...SCUSE me,lemme dead get away from that fire.." she said it like that).SO you rushed around me ,thinking 5 extra inches would save your life ,only to wait like the rest of us?
I wont lie....the wait for the light to change ,was EXTRA long now that I could see a large piece of "something' under that bus ,lit like a I guess i cant blame her for rushing pass me...mmmkay YES I can..
Its amazing how the words we were taught so say out of respect can sound like cuss words depending on what tone they are said.
"Scuse me ".....the "E" and the"X" are silent..or therefore DO NOT exist...practice Your hood vernacular...:-)

CHECK OUT THE UGGS....LOL this winter has them looking beat! feet are DRY!MUCH improvement compared to ppls complaints of having wet soggy feet...:-(
Good day Folks..
Travel Safe!