No one's sure of anything...and I think I *am* the turtle. Say hello to the rabbit for me--I may not win, but I'm certainly going to finish.
Interesting perspective on the perseverance in the midst of an uncommon pace.Surely the most uncommon pace you may seem to take in life is shared by MANY others.I tend to think like this.."pray for the others that you don't know,because they share the same trial as you"
How awesome....I tend to say "Time is the Hare and I'm the Tortoise" at work Especially,or having many things to do and sooo little time.24hrs in a day seems hardly enough to get anything done...But!Just think ,God could have chosen any number of hours to form a day.The sun rises from her bed just when HE tells her to,and the Moon knows when to shine.Though sometimes share the sky.
Quite poetic.
It's all planned and purposed before we were and even when we cease to be.
Count your hours but don't rush them UNLESS your life is really filling them.