Well anyway...I was asking God a series of questions,rhetorical in structure ,however I would have very much so appreciated an answer ,when He was ready of course.Can't rush God ,it's impossible ,your haste makes you move without direction.I'm not trying that anymore,it doesn't taste good and from the outside looking in the results are never good.
So back to the questions...you know how it goes.."God what do you want me to do?,Where should I be?Is this right?Are you sure?God why me.......?"
I happen to spray paint random things...now that I have this new found passion for jewelry..so...yea...I was looking for a few pieces of this necklace I was making and stuck to a nut (nuts and bolts nut)..I see a small piece of newspaper...and it says "BECAUSE" simple and perfectly torn.
I laugh.....because instantly I am brought back to my questions.
Have you ever asked you parents or a guardian :"Why? Why" ..But Why?" and they go ,face expressionless,(if it's a black woman) neck twist "Because!"..or "Because I said so"
So I was instantly in awe...I don't believe in coincidences and out of a huge newspaper why was this the main piece?
Interesting huh?Shut me up quickly!

Now the people that KNOW me may say.."Ke ...are you serious?Its not that deep".....but I'd rather hold onto a promise that no one understands but me...because I figure if God wants to whisper something in my ear..just me..Why not listen?From the quiet prayers of my heart....HE heard even me and my mumbo jumbo.