Interesting fact:Kangaroos and Emu's cannot walk backwards.WRONG!.lol Apparently they CAN but they don't...because it makes them vulnerable and unable to properly defend themselves adequately and more susceptible to attack..Amongst other things,physically they have a huge tail which makes it cumbersome as well.
I was sitting at work pondering this very fact.
Backwards,Reverse, going full body forth into situations familiar and common to you.
Looking back is one thing,going back is another.Picture police officers going into unknown territory forewarned of danger,they are to be well armed and have to look front ,back,at there sides,up and down,to make sure its safe to go AHEAD.
I thought about what happens when we doubt progress and begin to pick up old habits and falsified memories of "happiness".Where we bend scenarios and try to remake them into what we feel could have happened.Going backwards never ends up correct.Backwards with an unfixed ,or unchanged mentality makes you even more vulnerable to what is behind...which by the way has upped it's ante and strength,since you last left it.It's stronger than you,and one step ahead.Ha! and we go back...fore what?

Lets' try moving forward,remember why we go full steam ahead,remember back then,but don't try walking forward eye's behind you...Believe me its a DISASTER...ask about the tourists in having a moment here.
This just a thought.I had to catch myself...I wondered ,what if?Or how come?and maybe yes....
"There's nothing wrong with painting a picture,its just hopping on the canvas that makes it all different"