Tuesday, July 19, 2011

You MUST see this!

After missing it the first go round at the Schomburg Center in Harlem NYC,I could NOT wait to see the encore run of this amazing show "Renaissance in The Belly of A Killer Whale"

It is a 3 woman show and it is based in Harlem,the past ,present,and present future of Harlem through the eyes and voices of these young ladies.
From reminiscing on the old school games we played and the foods we ate to the very present "gentro" (lol as they would say) ,that's affecting us today it is AWESOME!My words can't say it all.Whether you are from Harlem or HAW-LEM (as I would phonetically put it),or another borough or state,you will thoroughly enjoy how eloquently and witty this story is put together.
I know 2 of the young ladies personally and they are spoken word artists and are phenomenal.All three are awesome!

Visit their site for more info and reviews,as well as ticket prices and discounts.
Also visit their Facebook fan page  and blog for more info on special prizes and giveaways.
It is now showing at : 
Times Square Arts Center
300 West 43rd Street, 5th Floor Off-Broadway Theatre
New York, NY 10036

This story opens your eyes ears and heart to the HEART beat of Harlem and how even the memories give Harlem our home life.

I loved it and WILL be seeing it again!