LOT! of you guys comment on my "things"..how cool is it to be able to share..Sharing is caring....
Here are a few of my belongings from different places....
If I showed you my cosmetics case(S)..you'd faint..lol
Here's some ammo,fo' yo GLAMO...lol
Friday, January 29, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
The thing about poison that's so deceptive is the fact that its appearance never really reflects it damage
The posture is steady or limp depending on the environment
The touch usually smooth and endearing
Presence calm and seemingly undisturbing
Poison always has a fore warning that the victims or spectators observe from prior experiences or species of the same kind
So what about mine?
Standing tall like a Sequoya of our kind
Presence soft, likeCashmere and fine
The poison I willingly stood close by ,so willingly swooned by
The thing about poison that's so hard is that it makes you go to where its from
A place deep and dark, where it draws its strength
Where its roots lie trying to escape ,to get to the sun
Because In darkness even the darkest beings want some
So why do we continuously take life altering journey's to its depth?
We've read about it before
Helped heal others who were sore
Even know the antibody through first hand experiences
Tasted His power
And have had dosages of His saving power
The posture is steady or limp depending on the environment
The touch usually smooth and endearing
Presence calm and seemingly undisturbing
Poison always has a fore warning that the victims or spectators observe from prior experiences or species of the same kind
So what about mine?
Standing tall like a Sequoya of our kind
Presence soft, like
The poison I willingly stood close by ,so willingly swooned by
The thing about poison that's so hard is that it makes you go to where its from
A place deep and dark, where it draws its strength
Where its roots lie trying to escape ,to get to the sun
Because In darkness even the darkest beings want some
So why do we continuously take life altering journey's to its depth?
We've read about it before
Helped heal others who were sore
Even know the antibody through first hand experiences
Tasted His power
And have had dosages of His saving power
But climbed from underneath his arms
running through the fields we go, endeavoring to be brave all on our own
Masking rebellion with courage ...we go head first
Our eyes bigger than the stomach of our flesh… we hunger for more
Not understanding the damage and its depth
No you see..its not only the flesh that gets the poison
Its the blood stream , the life of the being who's infected
See all of you is at stake because you brushed by something ,the real damage undetected
You went deeper because the first encounter went without a sting
The trick is the misdiagnosis so it can continue to do its infecting...
WE tread along with wounds of pride and false searches of remedies
Bypassing help, because we're scared of what it means
We know the steps we take are wrong ,because it boggles you with every move that you make
Deeper and deeper we go,
So like a whisper in the wind does the Voice of God seem
You know you hear him but your determination is else where
running through the fields we go, endeavoring to be brave all on our own
Masking rebellion with courage ...we go head first
Our eyes bigger than the stomach of our flesh… we hunger for more
Not understanding the damage and its depth
No you see..its not only the flesh that gets the poison
Its the blood stream , the life of the being who's infected
See all of you is at stake because you brushed by something ,the real damage undetected
You went deeper because the first encounter went without a sting
The trick is the misdiagnosis so it can continue to do its infecting...
WE tread along with wounds of pride and false searches of remedies
Bypassing help, because we're scared of what it means
We know the steps we take are wrong ,because it boggles you with every move that you make
Deeper and deeper we go,
So like a whisper in the wind does the Voice of God seem
You know you hear him but your determination is else where
The decision like a hunch back on a balance beam
Taking uncertain steps already bent from the process
Pressing for more of what tastes good
Thinking of the place where you once stood
Pleasing the emotions of your ever changing heart
Don’t know when to stop ,you look back at the start
Asking questions because now the sting has begun to penetrate
Now you've tasted the pain and then the rain
the eyes of the soul begin to shed tears
The salt the preserves and heals leaks from a place unknown to you
Drip by drip you you begin to come to......
Not all poison is obviously in its sting
Some have the most beautiful covering
SO what protects you? What keeps you?
Is life by chance, lived by chance or is there a lesson in every step?
I wont say that all journey’s are self determined and dependent upon personal direction.
God determines that,
By Keoka L....
"Its not always the plant itself.....but the seeds"
Thursday, January 14, 2010
I laugh at the notion of feeling special on a day like this and then walking outside of your house and people who don't know you don't; care..lol...You're smiling,you're "extra" cute but, to a complete stranger you look massively crazy..Birthdays are special especially in a season where people are literally dropping like flies.It's not in the parties,the dinners,the gifts or the layers of makeup.But the plain and simple fact...you're here.I celebrate that.
Every time my Birthday comes around,I think about the decision my mom made at 24.She had a choice and to it's a story we too often hear ,but the fact that the option was there to terminate something before its growth says that the decision not to,reaps many blessings..So that means.....I'm a BLESSING...lol....yay!
Simply put...I'M THANKFUL
9497 days
1356 weeks
227,928 hours
13,675,680 minutes
820,540,800 seconds...old....WOO HOO!!!!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Time is of the Essence
Today I am...
9496 days ,820,454,400 seconds,13,674,240 minutes, 227,904 hours
AND my birthday isn't even here yet.
Have you ever thought about it?
9496 days ,820,454,400 seconds,13,674,240 minutes, 227,904 hours
AND my birthday isn't even here yet.
Have you ever thought about it?
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
I gave you a part of what I have because I knew the worth .
I looked at your hands as a pair of the grandest on earth. I carefully placed a portion that I knew you were capable of executing; into those hands for your doing.
For some of the same ,multiplying what I gave was their aim; 5times..10 times of the portion given But You looked at it , twirled it around a bit , held it out before you as a mirror looking for your image in it, and carried it for awhile ,seeing if it fit your style.
You even placed it in your pocket,underneath you pillow and slept on it,even put it somewhere safe and locked it.
Then when the time was spent and the busyness too You looked around and placed it in the ground. I arose sure that you had it and to see what you did with it.
Came and asked for my portion back You looked in my eyes,dug around a bit and gave it intact.
I never took my eyes off of you ,you just stared back I asked ,“What is this I hold?”
You said, “It’s what you gave me ,and it started to get old ,so I dug a spot for it,nice and warm away from the cold.”
“But I could have done that ! It was mine to entrust to you.The ones who it meant the least to,doubled and tripled more than you”
You replied ,“But you have EVERYTHING and and could get more.How could this small bit,be something you care for?
“Even a spec more would have made my heart smile,made my trusting you worth while.You dont understand...thinking I’d be pleased because you hid it. Who receives a gift and doesn’t unwrap it?Has a book but never opens it?Has seed but never plants it?Never looking for the increase or fulfillment.If you don’t see the worth of a gift,it will never be .If you don’t know the heart of the giver,then to You its better off in the ground not with me. What you had was a small corner in a big picture,and you failed to see.If you don’t take what I given and use it,you will forever lose it and be of no worth to me.
"I dont understand,WHY would you give it to ME?The least of them,the smallest bit?You gave more to them,OF COURSE they'd increase it!God the vision You SEE is bigger than me"
"How you misunderstood me,the servant and the master .All this time You don't really know me.I knew that if I could trust you with the small the rest would would be of no worry.The one who takes work in the least of it ,has a heart like me. Make no mistakes,those who increase for me,will be blessed. The vision and the plan are never equated with the limits of man.So the things I see are Great like me "
BY Keoka
Poem based off the Parable of the Talents- Matthew 25
Sheesh!If you're anything like me,you have sooo much on you mind,in your plate, work load, that you DONT know what to do with it.Looking for and understanding what to do in this thing called life can sometimes be like finding a needle in a haystack..BUT! it's possible.Every step is a step. One motto,that I have been living by,is ..."What you have to do in this world hasn't been done ,til YOU do it"...That secures my reason for breathing.How about for you? So I write them (goals) down and I check on them,every step is a step.Just take them. OK THAT'S ENOUGH WRITING FOR NOW.
Harlem Nectar

The story is not always about the damn near dead ,but the beauty rising.-
Harlem Nectar
I'm so over the ghetto prodigies,and hood anthems swallowed like propheciesBorn in a land praised by the outside
Objectively looking in but subjective in their choices....they pass us on their train ride
I want to get to the substance of this
The sweet part
I am a rose from the concrete
Even more genuine than the image
The journey is not always about the damn near dead...but also about the ones who got around it
Or the story can remain...
From gutter to glory and the writings surrounding the story
A land where babies know more than the elders
A land where the elders living longer then their fruit
Where heart attacks kill the youth and the old grow stronger
Where the youth know no "wrong"
the Nectar is the sweet part of the flower,that only a few see
The Nectar is the You,the Nectar is me.
What do you have to change the story?
Shaking heads ,not cold from the air
Heads bowed from the needles of despair
Heads bowed for the ultimate fight in prayer
Heads bowed because you remember what its like to be there
The girl searching for father in the damnedest places
Hand cupped around tear filled faces
the Nectar is the sweet part of the flower,that only a few see
The Nectar is the You,the Nectar is me.
What do you have to change the story?
Shaking heads ,not cold from the air
Heads bowed from the needles of despair
Heads bowed for the ultimate fight in prayer
Heads bowed because you remember what its like to be there
The girl searching for father in the damnedest places
Hand cupped around tear filled faces
In arms not even strong enough to hold themselves
In money made with the same intents as hell.
Nectar isn't relatively visible to every eye-witness news
The Nectar is me,the Nectar is YOU.
Inspired by a bus ride- KE
In money made with the same intents as hell.
Nectar isn't relatively visible to every eye-witness news
The Nectar is me,the Nectar is YOU.
Inspired by a bus ride- KE
Monday, January 4, 2010
Welcome to Twenty Ten.

Bells and Whistles,screams,and praise give the term "Ring in the New Year" a whole different meaning.However you did it,and where ever you went.Make this a year that's well spent. A New Year seems to give you a chance for a new start.Whether of faith or not,you have an inner pull (mine being God) that wants to accomplish something.Something that's been on hold,something that's been a dream ,something purposeful. Each year at church (where I ring in my New Year) we received a promise card.It's a small card with a scripture verse on both sides. This is actually my favorite part of the service,every since I can remember ,my promise card has been exact.Its not a psychic reading,its not an astrological /cosmic prediction.For me it's been a word to follow.Being a Christian, we walk through this life with God's word,but as we all tend to do and struggle not to do(read and not live) it becomes cliche and like every other book.This alone makes God's word walk.For me its puts feet on His promise.I tend to feel like "Oh Lord, I'm gonna get it for NOT completing all the things I should have",expecting a chastisement.Thank God,He's not like my false assumptions and his love transcends my misconceptions and misunderstanding. So with that, I'm walking. I'm trying to journal everything. Someone told me to write out my goals by type and start with the most tangible so that it's not overwhelming. I agree.
Most importantly,a journey is always harder walked alone.Find a friend to keep you accountable.Someone who isn't easily swayed by your second by second "EPIPHANY'S or schizophrenic blank outs, indecisiveness and inconsistencies(yes all of that).But a rock hard source for pushing you forward. So whether you New Year's pursuit is a smaller waist and a bigger pocket :-) .Pursue endeavors that effect the long run.
With all that LONG WINDED-NESS said... Welcome to my Blog. Please enjoy.
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