The story is not always about the damn near dead ,but the beauty rising.-
Harlem Nectar
I'm so over the ghetto prodigies,and hood anthems swallowed like propheciesBorn in a land praised by the outside
Objectively looking in but subjective in their choices....they pass us on their train ride
I want to get to the substance of this
The sweet part
I am a rose from the concrete
Even more genuine than the image
The journey is not always about the damn near dead...but also about the ones who got around it
Or the story can remain...
From gutter to glory and the writings surrounding the story
A land where babies know more than the elders
A land where the elders living longer then their fruit
Where heart attacks kill the youth and the old grow stronger
Where the youth know no "wrong"
the Nectar is the sweet part of the flower,that only a few see
The Nectar is the You,the Nectar is me.
What do you have to change the story?
Shaking heads ,not cold from the air
Heads bowed from the needles of despair
Heads bowed for the ultimate fight in prayer
Heads bowed because you remember what its like to be there
The girl searching for father in the damnedest places
Hand cupped around tear filled faces
the Nectar is the sweet part of the flower,that only a few see
The Nectar is the You,the Nectar is me.
What do you have to change the story?
Shaking heads ,not cold from the air
Heads bowed from the needles of despair
Heads bowed for the ultimate fight in prayer
Heads bowed because you remember what its like to be there
The girl searching for father in the damnedest places
Hand cupped around tear filled faces
In arms not even strong enough to hold themselves
In money made with the same intents as hell.
Nectar isn't relatively visible to every eye-witness news
The Nectar is me,the Nectar is YOU.
Inspired by a bus ride- KE
In money made with the same intents as hell.
Nectar isn't relatively visible to every eye-witness news
The Nectar is me,the Nectar is YOU.
Inspired by a bus ride- KE
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